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Technology Tools

I believe it is a necessity to integrate technology into the classroom. Technology advancement in the classroom is essential. This is because with the use of technology, students learn how to develop higher levels of thinking because the use of technology explores the higher thinking levels. I can prove this high level of thinking with the use of technology by listing my three favorite technology tools that I plan on using in my future classroom. Each tool listed below will have a description and will have the standards from the International Society for Technology in Education and from the Alabama Course of Study in which the tool met. I further explain why I decided to choose each tool and how it can be used in the classroom curriculum.

Quizlet is a free website that is used for educational purposes. It is used to help students study course material. It can also be used by teachers to help prepare students for upcoming assessments. Students and teachers are able to create study sets by typing in the study information. After creating a study set, students are able to learn the material in the forms of flashcards, tests, and games. These games include a speller, gravity and scatter games. With the game speller the student gets practice by continuously typing the definition of a term or the term itself. With the scatter game, the terms and definitions are scattered about and the student must drag the correct definitions and terms to each other to make them disappear. The gravity game allows students to write definitions and terms in a timely manner. Thus, Quizlet allows students to study information in many forms. With having access to so many study forms, Quizlet can help a wide variety of students because it appeals to so many different learning types. Teachers can use Quizlet in the classroom to insure that each student is able to find a strategy of studying that works best for them.  Please click here  to discover this fun, educational website.

Criteria Selection: I chose Quizlet because it provided three important things that I thought were necessary for student development.

  • Organization

  • Appeals to variety of learning abilities

  • Interactive learning


With using Quizlet, I discovered that the site provides great organization. Students or teachers can type in the information, and then Quizlet organizes it in an easy to read way. It can organize the material into chapters, or by alphabetical order. I also believe Quizlet appeals to a variety of learning abilities. Not every student learns the same way, and with using Quizlet a student can find which way of studying is right for him or her. Quizlet gives the same information just in different forms. Therefore, it can appeal to a visual or auditory learner. I also liked that the website provides interactive learning. Instead of a student just reading the material, a student must either type a definition for a game, or flip a flashcard. Either way, the site provides an excellent quality of interactive learning.


Justification: Quizlet supports my philosophy that each student possesses both the ability to learn and the talents necessary to make him successful in his academic career. Quizlet offers a wide variety of features that will benefit each type of learner. With the audio feature, in which the site says the term out loud, will help audio learners. The gravity game benefits hands-on learners because they are activity playing a game while learning the material. The site also helps the visual learners in providing the material in a note form. The features Quizlet offers appeal to all types of learners and therefore, will create a successful classroom.


Bloom’s Taxonomy:

  • Creating

I chose creating for my Bloom’s Taxonomy level because with Quizlet teachers can write and assemble information the students will need to know for doing well on their assessments. After assembling the information, the teachers can show the Quizlet study set in the classroom. Also if the teacher does not provide a study set, the students can assemble the information themselves on Quizlet. Therefore, after constructing a study set, the students can then study the material.

  • Remembering

I chose remembering because with using Quizlet a student is asked to define terms and recall definitions. This act remembering is practiced with the use of flashcards and the scatter game.

ISTE Standards: (For Students)

3. Research and information fluency: Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information.

b. Plan strategies to guide inquiry


I chose standard three because with Quizlet students are using a digital tool that allows them to learn information. With Quizlet, the students are able to access the information in many different forms. With having this access, the students are able to discover what form works best for them. While using this specific form of information the students are able to strategize their study methods and therefore, do successfully on the future assessments.

ALCOS Connection:

Science Standard for 5th Grade

2.) Define mass, volume, and density.

• Identifying the atom as the basic building block of matter

• Relating temperature changes to particle motion

Example: movement of colored dye in hot and cold water

• Relating density to the sinking or floating of an object in a liquid


I chose this ALCOS Connection because I believe that with the use of Quizlet a student can learn the definitions of mass, volume, and density by playing the games or by flipping the flashcards. I also believe that Quizlet can provide the student with practice on identifying the atoms and results of temperature change in the gravity game. With Quizlet, this science information can be formatted into different categories. Therefore, a student can have practice learning the definitions of each scientific term.

Classroom Connection:

With using Quizlet, I can type in the classroom information and later show to my students how to access Quizlet and the different study features it offers. I can also assign homework to allow each student to create their own study set with the material learned in class. This will provide the student with a technology experience and also provide help to study the material. Afterward, I can put all the study sets they have created into a classroom group and they can study each other’s sets. This will insure that the student fully understands a concept or terms because he or she is able to learn by using someone’s perspective. I could also split my students into groups and allow them to play the Quizlet games during class. Therefore, they will be able to collaborate with their peers and learn the information in a fun, interactive way. I can also use Quizlet for study guides. After typing the information into Quizlet and choosing a format like a glossary or test set up, I can print it and provide study guides for my students.

Bloom’s Taxonomy Level

  • Creating

I chose creating because with using Prezi a student or teacher is able to construct a presentation using the class information. Students and teachers can design and customize their presentations and assemble links to various connecting categories. Students and teachers are also able to add categories and write the information needed for each category. Students can edit color schemes and fonts, as well as insert pictures. Therefore, the students and teachers are assembling their own Prezi presentation.


Prezi is a free website that promotes educational activities. It allows students and teachers to implement creativity in their presentations. Prezi provides a list of templates to get one started. After choosing a template, students and teachers are able to assemble the desired information into specific categories and organize the whole presentation in one motion. Must like PowerPoint, Prezi has different slides (frames) for each piece of information. However, the students and teachers are able to customize their presentations with changing color schemes, drawing links between different categories and inserting illustrations. It also saves the work automatically; therefore, there is no worrying about if the presentation will accidentally be deleted. Prezi allows for information to be presented in a whole new way by moving from category to the next. It is fun and interactive! Click here to see an example of how fun this website is and how it can be used in the classroom!

ISTE Standards: (For Students)

  1. Creativity and innovation: Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovation products and processes using technology.

b. Create original works as a means of personal or group expression

I chose creativity and innovation for my ISTE Standard because Prezi allows students to use their creative senses in designing their own Prezi. It allows student to construct knowledge by linking different ideas and adding different frames which provide for different categories. With doing this, students are forming innovated products, all while using technology. Prezi can be used for an individual assignment, or can be used for a group assignment. Therefore, by constructing and designing their own presentation by choosing the templates, color schemes, drawing links, personal or group expression is evident.

ALCOS Connection:

English Language Arts 6th grade (2015)


2.) Determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments. [RL.6.2]


16.) Determine an author's point of view or purpose in a text and explain how it is conveyed in the text. [RI.6.6]


I chose the two ALCOS Connections because I believe with using Prezi students can have practice with these standards. Students can create a Prezi that elaborates on the theme and central ideas of the story or students can insert images or texts that they think are the central ideas of the texts. With adding more categories (frames) to the Prezi presentation, students can give “particular details” of why this is the theme and how the story proves this. Students can also make a Prezi that is centered on the author. Prezi allows for links to be draw to connect similar or connecting categories. Therefore, students can connect an author and his or her point a view and then in another category explain how it is conveyed in the text. This can be done collaboratively with a group or for an individual assignment.

Criteria Selection: I chose Prezi because it provided three important things that I think are necessary for student development.

  • Creativity

  • Applies knowledge from the class information

  • Easy to use for both teachers and students

With using Prezi a students or teachers have the opportunity to use their creative ability and make an original work of a presentation. This creativity is accessed by choosing one’s own template or inserting illustrations. Prezi allows also for students, as well as teachers, to apply their knowledge from class materials. Users must type the desired information and then connect it with other surrounding categories. Since Prezi is free and provides templates, I believe it is easy to use for both students and teachers. The Prezi website also guides the user into completing each slide before moving onto the next. I believe this guiding feature makes Prezi very easy to use.


Justification: Prezi meets my philosophy that an educator must assemble a classroom in which every student feels safe and secure and free to express his or her different ideas. Prezi permits students to construct a concept map. During the construction of a concept map students are able to collaborate with each other and therefore, learn about different perspectives and beliefs. Students are also able to put their ideas about the material in the concept map and then link their ideas to each other. Prezi provides a safe and secure environment because it allows for the less outspoken students to fully state their ideas and opinions using technology instead of having to voice their thoughts vocally.

Classroom Connection:

As a teacher, I can present a Prezi about literary subjects to my class. With presenting a Prezi creation, my students will be engaged because of the creativity that Prezi expels. I can also give guided notes to my class and use specific terms or definitions in the Prezi that would be written down in the guided notes. As a teacher, I can also assign books reports with using Prezi. I can divide the students in groups, or allow them to do it individually, and let them choose a book and put information about the book in a Prezi. The students can then share their Prezi about with the class. I can also assign each student a literary category and allow them to use Prezi to teach the class about this specific literary category.

Edmodo is a website that is used for educational purposes. It provides easy communication between teachers, students, and parents. The website is organized like a social network. With this particular organization it allows for easy access and interaction. On Edmodo, students, teachers and parents can share ideas and thoughts of classroom materials. Teachers can also send out alerts to students and parents, as well as providing classroom paperwork for those who lost or did not receive the paperwork in class. Not only does this website provide communication and interaction, but it also provides safety. The class Edmodo is under control of the teacher, and thus allows students to share their thoughts and opinions without the fear of personal information being given out or bullying occurring. Please click  here to discover this fun and enjoyable website.

Criteria Selection: There were three criteria I used to choose this website.

  • Communication

  • Updating System

  • Posting of classroom materials

Edmodo provides communication among students, teachers, and parents. The teachers, students, and parents can post replies to postings or send messages to one another. Edmodo can also be used by the teachers as an alert system. Teachers can give students and parents updates of upcoming assignments. The Edmodo site also allows for teachers to post classroom materials such as paperwork received in class. If a student is absent, the student can download a copy of the handouts and print them at home. Therefore, it can keep the students up to date with classroom assignments and handouts.


Justification: Edmodo meets my philosophy of believing that every student should have the availability to create a prosperous and respectable relationship with his educator and his fellow peers. With Edmodo, students and teachers can develop a respectable relationship in a virtual environment. This virtual environment relationship will make it easier to develop a relationship in the physical classroom. With the communication features such as a discussion reply and survey post, students can also create relationships with their peers. With these relationships, students will be interacting and communicating with one another to produce a stable physical classroom environment.

Bloom's Taxonomy Level​
  • Applying

 Since Edmodo would be used for a higher grade level, the students are applying there previous knowledge of how to use basic computer skills. Such as opening an Edmodo account and giving information such as email address and proving a password. The student must have a basic knowledge of how to operate a computer, and with opening an Edmodo account the students apply this previous learned knowledge.

  • Understanding

 Students must be able to understand classroom operations and activities. Students must have an understanding of course objectives and how Edmodo will help accomplish those objectives. Students must be able to identify class material on Edmodo to make sure they are a part of the correct classroom group.



ISTE Standards: (For Students)

2. Communication and Collaboration: Students use digital media and environments communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.

A. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media


 In Edmodo, students, teachers, and parents are provided with the opportunity to communicate about classroom materials and activities. Edmodo allows students to collaborate with one another in comments of posted materials. Students can collaborate in the comfort of their home.

ALCOS Connection:

English Language Arts (2015)

Grade(s): 6

2.) Determine a theme or central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details; provide a summary of the text distinct from personal opinions or judgments. [RL.6.2]


I chose this ALCOS Connection because determining a theme and providing a summary are basic skills that each sixth grader needs to know. This particular ALCOS Connection will be used time and time again in the student’s journey through school. I believe that with Edmodo, students can have practice developing this skill. With posting replies to post and collaborating with the teacher and other peers, students can share ideas and tips on writing summaries and developing themes.

Classroom Connection

With using this tool, I can assign reading and writing assignments. I can also give quizzes on the English information studied in class. Students can ask questions about upcoming English assignments any time of the day and I can answer them. Students will be alerted about upcoming reading summaries. With using Edmodo, I can communicate with students about the classroom activities and materials.

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