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Lesson Plan

Intense Verbs

Teacher: Ms. Snider

Grade: Second

Duration: 75-80 minutes

Citation of Orignal:

Goals and Objectives

Goal: For students to understand action verbs and that there are different degrees of intensity.



  • Students will be able to define and action verbs

  • Students will be able to action verbs

  • Students will be able to the different degrees of intensity for action verbs


Standards/Blooms Level:

ALCOS- 39.) Demonstrate understanding of word relationships and nuances in word meanings. [L.2.5]

a. Identify real-life connections between words and their use (e.g., describe foods that are spicy or juicy). [L.2.5a]

b. Distinguish shades of meaning among closely related verbs (e.g., toss, throw, hurl) and closely related adjectives (e.g., thin, slender, skinny, scrawny). [L.2.5b]

ALCOS-29.) Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse partners about Grade 2 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups. [SL.2.1]

b. Build on others' talk in conversations by linking their comments to the remarks of others. [SL.2.1b]

ISTE-3. Research and Information fluency: Students apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. b. Locate, organize, analyze, evaluate, synthesize, and ethically use information from a variety of sources and media.

Bloom’s Taxonomy: Creating, Analyzing, Applying, Understanding

-Creating: Students will design and construct a Prezi about “Intense Verbs”

-Analyzing: Students will compare and contrast the intensity of verbs during the cleaning the plate activity

-Applying: Students demonstrate their grasp of the concept by linking similar ideas and terms together in the Prezi. Also students who receive accommodations will illustrate their knowledge of the action verbs by drawing them on a sheet of paper.

-Understanding: Students prove their understanding by identifying the action verbs and their intensities in the worksheet. They also will describe and explain their Prezi concept map of Intense verbs.



Materials and Preparation


  • “It's Hard To Be a Verb!” by Julia Cook (Book)

  • Action verb cards

  • Plastic plate

  • Piece of cloth


  • Write action verbs on notecards and then cut into pieces and place in a bowl

  • Prepare a Prezi concept map example of action verbs

Resources and Media


  • English Arts Textbook

  • Dictionaries

  • Intense Verbs: Shades of Meaning worksheet


  • Interactive Story-“What can I do?”

  • Prezi-technology tool

Backup Plan: If the Interactive Story will not load then I will read a book, which consists of action verbs, from the classroom out loud to the students. If the Prezi website will not load, I will still split the students into groups, but have them do their concept maps consisting of action verbs on a sheet of paper, or on the white board.


Before Class Preparation Activities (Assignments): Students will have the homework assignment in which they must find the terms “action verb” and “intensity” in the English Arts textbook and in a dictionary. After locating the term, students must write out the term and definition on a sheet of paper and bring it to class the next day. After receiving all the homework, be sure to write the terms and definitions on the white board for all the students to see.

During Class Activities (Assignments): Explain to the students they will be playing charades with action verbs. Call on 5-6 volunteers and have them do the action verb while students call out the verb. Next, pick 3 students to come and show different intensities of an action verb. Hand one of the 3 students the cloth and plate and have them gently wipe the plate, the other wash the plate, and the final student scrub the plate. While they clean the plate, be sure to make them say out loud their action. Explain the different degrees of intensity. Next, read “It’s hard to be verb!” by Julia Cook. Next split the students into groups of 4-5 and tell them to open up Prezi on classroom computers. With their groups they will create a concept map of action verbs and examples of different degrees of intensity of the action verbs. After completing the Prezi, read the interactive story “What can I do?” to the whole class to finish the lesson.


Informal Assessments: To informally assess the students, I will walk around and observe the group activity with Prezi. With this, I will be able to see which students are participating and which appear to be unsure of what to do. If a student appears to be confused about the topic or assignment, I will explain the activity again one on one with the student at my desk.

Formal Assessments: After the charades, cleaning the plate, reading, and group concept map, I will then hand out a worksheet. This worksheet entitled “Intense Verbs: Shades of Meaning” will be done by the students, and I will have the students place the worksheet on my desk for me to grade. I will also look at the concept maps to see if the class truly grasped the material.

Homework: At the end of the lesson I will assign homework. This homework will be for each student to write a short story/paragraph about them doing action verbs and in different intensities.

Accomodations and Extensions

For students who appear to be struggling with the topic of “Intense Verbs,” I will address these students one on one. I will talk to them about what they are confused about in the assignment. If the student is having trouble participating in Prezi assignment, the student can draw out action verbs like a person walking or running, on a sheet of paper. Also, during independent reading or study, they can begin on their short story homework and if they have questions I can help them. I can also allow them to re-read the book, ‘It’s hard being a verb!” during the reading time, to see if that would enable them to get a better grasp on the topic.

Summary and Analysis

Summary: Students will be introduced to the term “action verb” in the homework given the day before. Therefore, students will already have an idea of what an action verb is. For the during class activities, students are playing charades with action verbs. This provides interaction and engagement with the students. This will also help the visual and hands-on learners grasp the concept of action verbs. With the cleaning the plate example, students will be introduced to the concept of intensity with action verbs. With the students saying the action while they do it, it will be processed by auditory learners. The “It’s hard to be a verb!” book will also help auditory learners grasp action verbs. With splitting the students into groups and asking them to create a concept map of action verbs and their intensity, students are becoming collaborative with each other and receiving practice on the new concept.

Analysis: With this activity I believe I will be able to reach all types of learners. With the charades and cleaning of the plate, I will be able to reach visual and hands-on learners. With the reading of the story, I will be able to reach auditory learners. I think with the group concept map activity, students will be able to collaborate in diverse groups and be able to learn different perspectives from others. With the assigned homework of the short story, students will have the opportunity to practice these new terms “action verb” and “intensity” and apply them to their own lives. I think by doing this, students will be able to better grasp the concept.

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Lesson Plan Commentary


     This lesson plan is entitled “Intense Verbs.” In this lesson the students will be learning information about action verbs. The central focus of the lesson is “for students to be able to recognize action verbs and understand that verbs may have different degrees of intensity.” The purpose of the plan is to introduce students to the terms “action verbs” and “intensity.”


My students should be able to read and write. My students should be able to look up words in there textbook and in a dictionary. I understand that each of my students come from diverse backgrounds, however, in their school environment they should be familiar with action terms like, “jumping”, “dancing” and “swimming.” My students should be familiar with these activities due to their physical education courses and previous class activities. With being familiar with these activities and being able to read and write, this lesson will be able to apply previous knowledge as well as add new knowledge to the understanding of the child. By playing charades, cleaning a plate, reading a book, and creating a concept map, I will reach all types of learners. My activities will reach visual, hands-on, and auditory learners. I understand that each of the students may be on different levels for reading and writing, therefore, with the use of charades, students who are not very strong in reading and writing can grasp the concept of action verbs without having to learn it in a document form. I also believe the cleaning the plate activity will give each learner a model of how there is different intensity to a verb.


I will modify this lesson by two things. First, I will require the students to say out loud the action they are doing during the cleaning plate activity. For example, “I am scrubbing this plate,” or “I am wiping this plate.” I will also modify this lesson by the use of the tool Prezi. I will present an example of a Prezi diagram using action verbs, and then I will split the children into groups and allow them access to the classroom computers to design a Prezi concept map. According to Technology Integration for Meaningful Classroom Use, “Students can use them [concept maps] to organize and represent what they already know about a topic and add to the map as they explore and learn new information.” The text also states that, “Creating a concept map involves identifying the important concepts in a domain of knowledge, arranging those concepts spatially, identifying relationships among the concepts and labeling the nature of the relationships among those concepts” (pg. 92). With the use of Prezi for the concept map I will be able to meet the creating, applying, analyzing, and understanding levels of the Bloom’s Taxonomy.  I believe this activity will allow for collaboration and interaction amongst students. I also believe that with the use of a technology tool, I will be allowing the students to develop the knowledge and skills it takes to operate a technology tool on the computer. By using the different activities such as charades, cleaning the plate, and the Prezi I will be “providing multiple means of representation.” This is the first principle of the UDL guidelines and with it I will be able to reach all learners.


For my informal assessments I will be walking around the classroom and observing students in their group activities. By doing this I will be able to take a mental note of who is struggling with topic and will need extra help or accommodations. If I see that a student confused, I can discuss the topic with him or her, in a one on one setting at my desk. 

For my formal assessments, I will look over each concept map that the groups have done. I will also give out a worksheet about action verbs and their intensities. Later, I will grade each worksheet and evaluate to see if the class as a whole needs more practice with the information, or if it is individual students who seem to be struggling. The homework will be to write a short story/paragraph about you (the student) performing the action verbs at different intensities. When the students come back the next day and turn in their homework, I will read the stories to see if my students are understanding the definitions of “intense verbs” and see my teaching techniques have met the needs of all learners.


With the charades activity, I allow students who are energetic and hands-on learners to participate in the learning of intense verbs. With the reading of the two stories, I will be allowing students who are auditory learners to listen to action verbs and the verbs’ different intensities. My modification of getting the three volunteer students to say their intensities of cleaning the plate will also allow for the auditory learners to hear different intensities of a verb. By writing the definitions of the terms “action verbs” and “intensity” at the beginning of the lesson, I am allowing visual learners to see the definitions. By assigning each student into a group to design a Prezi concept map, I will be allowing students to collaborate with others and to guide their own learning.


 The Prezi activity will also meet the requirements for the ALCOS and ISTE standards I have chosen. This is because with Prezi, students are demonstrating their understanding of verbs and intensity and how they connect, all while using a digital tool to help them organize and evaluate information.


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